Frequently Asked Questions

  • What content is available in OhioHealth Scholarly Works?
  • Who can submit content?
  • How do I submit or revise content?
  • Are all items full text?
  • How does copyright work in OhioHealth Scholarly Works?
  • Is Scholarly Works available to the public?
  • How do I search Scholarly Works?
  • What does search "across all repositories" mean?
  • I have a question not answered in this FAQ. Who can I talk to?
  • What content is available in OhioHealth Scholarly Works?

    OhioHealth Scholarly Works encompasses the scholarly output of the OhioHealth system. This includes but is not limited to journal articles, books, book chapters, presentations, posters, meeting abstracts, and archival materials. OhioHealth Library Services conducts regular author affiliation searches in PubMed and other databases and often provides a link to the original publication. Open Access articles are readily available, but full-text of some items may be restricted due to copyright or licensing agreements. We are actively working to add archival content as this is an ongoing project.

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    Who can submit content?

    Anyone affiliated with OhioHealth at the time the submitted work was initially published or presented. This includes medical staff, OhioHealth Physicians Group practices, OhioHealth associates, residents, fellows researchers, nurses, or affiliated students. Works from an individual's previous or future affiliations are not included.

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    How do I submit or revise content?

    To submit or revise previously submitted content, please email with the citation information or description of the revision and any files. You will receive a response confirming receipt and any follow up questions.

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    Are all items full text?

    No. Due to copyright many journal articles are listed only by the citation/abstract. Open Access articles are available via the record link. OhioHealth associates with IP-authentication can download the full text at the publisher's website. If you are affiliated with OhioHealth and need an article we do not provide, you can request a copy through OhioHealth Library Services at

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    How does copyright work in OhioHealth Scholarly Works?

    Authors retain copyright for items submitted to OhioHealth Scholarly Works. If the item has already been published in another source, copyright likely remains with the source publisher. Please refer to any contracts or agreements with the publisher if you need clarification.

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    Is Scholarly Works available to the public?

    Yes. Scholarly Works is available to anyone online to search and browse. Full text article links are restricted OhioHealth affiliated users, unless the material is Open Access or otherwise made available by the journal publisher. Posters, presentations, etc. are open to the public.

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    How do I search Scholarly Works?

    Content is searchable by author, keyword, publication, or document type from the search box located in the left hand toolbar on each page. You may also browse Collections, Disciplines, or authors.

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    What does search "across all repositories" mean?

    Selecting the option to “search across all repositories” allows you to search for your search terms throughout a nationwide network of all the Bepress digital repositories including but not limited to OhioHealth Scholarly Works.

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    I have a question not answered in this FAQ. Who can I talk to?

    Please contact Stacy Gall or Lyndsey Shaeffer

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